DSCI Events, Events
Digital Supply Chain Executive Leadership Forum – Walldorf, Germany
October 4, 2018 - October 5, 2018
Walldorf, Germany
Thursday, October 4th – Friday, October 5th, 2018
Walldorf, Germany
*Participation in this event is by invitation only
Event Details
The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce its fifth Executive Leadership Forum in Walldorf, Germany on October 4th and 5th, 2018 at SAP headquarters. This invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 c-level supply chain leaders from around the world. The goal of the meeting is to share the research conducted by the DSCI, insights from supply chain leaders, and highlight participating company experiences.
The most important transformation effort over the next five years will be the shift to a Digital Supply Chain that captures revenue and builds customer loyalty while reducing cost at the same time. The goal of this ELF is to share new applied research on how to accelerate this transformation and to foster discussion between some of the world’s top companies.
Who Should Attend?
- C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
- The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading-edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.
Forum Agenda
- About The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI)
- What’s New: Trending Digital Supply Chain Issues
- Revenue Growth through the Digital Supply Chain
- The Algorithm Council: Optimizing AI/ML for Growth
- People, Change Leadership and the DSC
- Blockchain, GDPR and Blockchain Return Index (BRI)