Expert Connect Series: Educating for Cyber-Mindfulness: Building a User Community of Cybersecurity Allies
LIVE Thursday, March 8, 2018
10:00 am EST/3:00 pm GMT
The new realities of cybersecurity demand that organizations arm the average user with behaviors and habits that defend against constantly evolving security exploits and social engineering ploys. To do so, organizations must develop workforce training and education programs that are engaging, sustainable and effective. The University of Dayton has developed an innovative workforce education model called “Cyber-Mindfulness.”
Universities have long been among the most vulnerable and frequent targets for cyber intrusions. Schools, along with other organizations, have struggled to find effective ways to engage users in safe computing practices that will limit exposure to cyber criminals and hacktavists.
The University of Dayton’s Cyber-Mindfulness model builds awareness, shapes attitudes and impacts behaviors in significant and measurable ways. During this Expert Connect, researchers and practitioners from the University of Dayton Center for Cybersecurity & Data Intelligence will share the foundations for Cyber-Mindfulness; the strategies and tactics for implementing a Cyber-Mindfulness campaign; and the lessons learned to transform the University of Dayton user community from a source of risk to a proactive auxiliary cyber security force.
The Cyber-Mindfulness program while developed by the University of Dayton for an educational institution, can be applied to any industry or organizational setting.
Program Benefits
- Transform the user community from cyber targets to “first alert allies” and evolve from a “culture of compliance” to a “culture of mindfulness”
- See the value in applying the principles of “mindfulness” to cybersecurity training
- Explore engagement tactics, message strategies and measurable outcomes.
- Select best practices in cybersecurity training and education for the user community
- Identify the most significant challenges and lessons learned in developing and executing a “cyber-mindfulness” campaign
Who Should Attend
CIOs, CISOs, IT security staff, IT communicators, risk management staff and all others interested in how social science theory and practices can contribute to more effective cybersecurity outreach efforts.
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